

We do not celebrate any sacrament of Christian initiation at La Ermita de la Caridad such as Baptism, First Communion and Confirmation, neither the sacrament of Marriage. This happens because we are a National Shrine and NOT a regular parish, we function in different ways, even though we are a Catholic Church as well. In the Shrines, the focus is on the celebration of the sacraments of the Eucharist, Penance and Anointing of the Sick.

The sanctuary has primarily a cultural function. The faithful approach, above all, to participate in the liturgical celebrations and in the exercises of piety that take place there. This recognized cultural function of the sanctuary, should not obscure in the hearts of the faithful the evangelical teaching that the place is not a determining factor for the authentic worship of the Lord (cf. Jn 4, 20-24).

Congregation for the Divine Worship – The sanctuary as a place of cultural celebrations, # 265

The sacraments of Christian initiation, which require a long preparation and insert the baptized into the ecclesial community, should be celebrated, as a general rule, in the parish.

Congregation for Divine Worship – The sanctuary as a place of cultural celebrations, # 270

However, we offer classes for adults who wish to receive the sacraments if they do not have the possibility of receiving this preparation in their respective parishes, only the classes, then the sacraments should be received in the parish to which you belong.

Our recommendation is to go to the nearest Roman Catholic parish (according to your address) and ask for information about the requirements to baptize a child, if it is a child under 7 years old, about the catechism classes if it is about children between 7 years and 16 years, or on the RCIA program or Christian Initiation for Adults.

In order to find your nearest Roman Catholic parish, please check the Map of Churches of the Archdiocese of Miami in the following link:

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